The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Sciences Building’s newly constructed, LEED Gold-certified facility accommodates growth for 1,750 students, 70 faculty and lecturers, and expanded research. The modern building, designed by Stantec, houses UTD’s Department of Physics and some activities of the William B. Hanson Center for Space Sciences.

Fostering a connected, interactive learning environment, Stantec specified Rockfon Tropic acoustic stone wool ceiling panels for the Sciences Building’s interiors. Along with the contemporary look of the panels’ smooth, white surface, they also have high sound absorption to provide more comfortable spaces where students can concentrate and clearly understand their professors.

Manufactured using advanced material technology, stone wool’s environmentally responsible and sound-absorbing performance support UTD’s project goals for sustainability, accessibility and wellness. Among its many LEED credits, UTD’s Sciences Building earned points for using products with recycled content as part of the Materials & Resources category, and installing low-emitting materials as part of the Indoor Environmental Quality category. Rockfon Tropic ceiling products can contribute to these LEED credits and more.

The University of Texas at Dallas – Sciences Building

Dallas, TX

Achieving LEED Gold for the Sciences Building was an incredible team effort. We are proud to provide a high-performing, sustainable and beautiful building on campus for UT Dallas students, professors and researchers.

Amy Holzle

Principal and Operations Lead, Stantec
The University’s commitment to sustainability in the midst of our tremendous physical growth has been a point of pride for our entire campus community.

Gary Cocke

UTD’s director of sustainability and energy conservation

Rockfon Tropic acoustic stone wool ceiling panels were chosen for UTD’s Sciences Building’s classrooms, enclosed study rooms, meeting rooms and lounge areas in a standard grid pattern and a staggered brickwork pattern was used on the corridors’ ceilings. Rockfon Tropic ceiling panels provide a smooth, white surface as well as high sound absorption with a Noise Reduction Coefficient of up to 0.85. These environmentally responsible, low-emitting stone wool ceiling panels contribute to the UTD’s sustainability goals while creating a contemporary look and comfortable environment where students can concentrate and clearly understand their professors.

Absolutely gorgeous space...It will not only provide enough space for teaching labs, but it will also enable the entire physics department to be under one roof rather than scattered in eight buildings across campus. Being in one place is critical to having those hallway conversations where some interesting ideas turn into world-changing ideas across subdisciplines.

Matthew Goeckner, PhD

Associate Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
To say The University of Texas at Dallas has experienced tremendous growth over the past several years is an understatement...This is an extraordinary place, and we are very cognizant that we are creating a 21st century campus – one that is safe, welcoming and flexible for the future.

Calvin D. Jamison


The University of Texas at Dallas – Sciences Building

Location:Dallas, Texas, United States
Architect:Stantec, Plano, Texas
Contractor:Linbeck Group, LLC; Houston
Installer:Trinity Drywall Systems LLC
Photographer:© Jason Keen
Tiles:Rockfon Tropic®