Noble Public Schools' new fine arts auditorium and gymnasium serves all 2,860 students in its district. With a playful nod to the school’s bear mascot, the facility was dubbed “The Den” and opened for the 2019-20 academic year. 

The new multi-purpose space features several Rockfon ceiling solutions that help optimize the acoustics for a wide range of activities, from concerts to basketball competitions.

Noble Public Schools

Location:Noble, Oklahoma, United States
Architect:TAP Architecture
Contractor:Manhattan Construction Group
Installer:Lasco Acoustics & Drywall, Inc.
Photographer:Simon Hurst Photography
Tiles:Rockfon Artic®, Rockfon Tropic®, Rockfon® Infinity™ Standard Perimeter Trim, Rockfon® Planostile™ Lay-in Metal Panel Ceiling System
Grids:Chicago Metallic® 1200 15/16" and 1250 Fire-Rated 15/16"

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