Popejoy Hall at The University of New Mexico (UNM) Center for the Arts celebrated its 58th birthday with the debut of a newly renovated three-story lobby. One of the state’s most popular and largest event spaces, Hartman + Majewski Design Group (HMdg) refreshed Popejoy Hall with a modern aesthetic and optimized acoustic performance using a variety of Rockfon ceiling systems, including Rockfon® Mono® Acoustic TE white, stone wool ceiling panels and Rockfon® Planar® Plus metal ceilings in a Metalwood® cherry finish.

This high-profile renovation project for the state’s premier performing arts center was managed by UNM Facilities Design and Construction, in collaboration with HMdg and Franken Construction. For the rejuvenated ceiling design, Eagle Rock Contracting installed more than 10,500 square feet of Rockfon ceiling systems on all three floors of the updated lobby.

Along with its enhanced visual presentation and auditory experience, the ceiling systems also met fire and seismic performance requirements as well as a light reflectivity. In total, the Rockfon ceilings support Popejoy Hall’s design goals for a safe, comfortable, bright and inviting venue.

Popejoy Hall, The University of New Mexico Center for the Arts

Albuquerque, New Mexico

“This space has become an Albuquerque landmark, and these updates feel timeless and historical all at once. …It is a thrilling evolution to be a part of.” ¹

Fabianna Borghese Tabeling

The University of New Mexico, UNM Public Events, Popejoy Hall
Director, 2023

A 1,985-seat multipurpose venue, Popejoy Hall hosts touring Broadway shows, world-renowned ballet, modern dance, symphony concerts, musical soloists, international artists, notable speakers and other performances.

Popejoy Hall is named for retired UNM President (1948-68) Tom Popejoy, who envisioned and managed the original concert hall’s construction. Opened 1966, the building was last renovated 30 years ago in 1996. Today, HMdg’s lobby redesign honors its heritage while presenting a modern appearance for the 21st century.²

Part of the UNM Public Events department, Popejoy Hall’s mission is “to provide access to the performing arts for all New Mexicans.” Its vision is “to create an exceptional experience for artist and audience alike by maintaining a state-of-the art facility in order to attract great performances.” ³

“We’re thrilled to celebrate the ribbon cutting for the newly renovated UNM Popejoy Hall lobby, just in time for its 58th birthday! This iconic space hadn't been updated since the 1990s, and our team was honored to bring a fresh, modern look to this beloved venue. A huge thank you to The University of New Mexico and Popejoy Hall for trusting us with this transformation. Special thanks to our incredible H+Mdg team, consultants, and construction partner, Franken Construction Company, Inc. for helping bring this vision to life!” ⁴
Hartman + Majewski Design Group

To create Popejoy Hall’s unique ceiling designs in the three-story lobby, HMdg selected several of Rockfon’s acoustic ceiling products. Most prominently, the main entrance and lobby showcases a biophilic-inspired, wood-look ceiling relying on Rockfon Planar Plus metal panels with a Metalwood cherry finish. Offering the low-maintenance, fire- and moisture-resistant performance of metal with the beauty of natural wood, these 4 inch by 12 foot ceiling panels elevate the grandeur of the artistic venue without sacrificing practical considerations. The square-edge panels are acoustically improved with an Acoutex™ backer and the metal is perforated, yet the 0.0625-inch holes are nearly invisible to the patron below.

In the corridors immediately outside of the theater, Rockfon Mono Acoustic TE stone wool panels were specified for an elegantly smooth, continuous monolithic appearance with outstanding sound absorption. These ceiling systems provide a best-level Noise Reduction Coefficient of up to 0.95 NRC. Acoustic performance was critical to these transitional and connecting spaces, where audience members gather and enter the performance hall.

To deliver an exceptional, quality installation, Eagle Rock Contracting’s team trained in Europe with Rockfon’s experts and is a Certified Rockfon Mono Acoustic installer. The Mono Acoustic TE ceiling panels are paired with Chicago Metallic® drywall grid to achieve the high performance and a visually seamless aesthetic.

Contrasting with a darkened theater, Rockfon Mono Acoustic has an extremely bright white, reflective surface. Throughout the lobby, more lighting was added to illuminate and accentuate the warm, welcoming atmosphere. High light reflectance also was prioritized in the lounges, service hallways and restrooms, including the new family restroom. These areas feature Rockfon Alaska acoustic stone wool ceiling panels.

Eagle Rock Contracting installed the acoustic ceiling tiles in Chicago Metallic 4000 Tempra 9/16-inch exposed grid ceiling suspension system. With respect to New Mexico’s building codes and the project’s Seismic Design Category (SDC), Chicago Metallic 1494.00 Seismic Separation Joint Clip also was used. Exceeding International Building Code requirements for SDC D, E and F installations, this clip ties together perimeter components and has been tested and recognized as an alternate method of stabilizing tees at the perimeter. Its robust construction allows contractors to use a traditional 15/16-inch angle in lieu of the less desirable 2-inch angle and eliminates costly stabilizer bars.

Further supporting the health and well-being of patrons, performers, students and staff, stone wool and metal are Inherently mold and mildew resistant, and do not include antimicrobials. These materials require minimal maintenance and have a long lifespan contributing to Popejoy Hall’s operational efficiency. Rockfon Alaska ceiling panels also are compliant with the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA).

Exactly 58 years after the original building opened, Popejoy Hall’s renovation celebration was held Oct. 1, 2024, attended by The University of New Mexico officials, Popejoy Hall Board Members and special guests. Fabianna Borghese Tabeling, director of Popejoy Hall, gave the opening remarks: “It's an exciting day for Popejoy Hall, the University of New Mexico, and our patrons. This space has become an Albuquerque landmark, and these updates feel timeless and historical all at once. …It is a thrilling evolution to be a part of.” ¹

After more than 50 seasons, Popejoy Hall remains a vital part of New Mexico's cultural landscape and the flagship performing arts center in New Mexico. It continues to inspire, entertain and educate more than 250,000 patrons each year.⁵


Popejoy Hall, The University of New Mexico Center for the Arts

Location:Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Architect:Hartman + Majewski Design Group; Albuquerque, New Mexico
Contractor:Franken Construction Company, Inc.; Las Vegas, New Mexico
Installer:Eagle Rock Contracting, Inc.; Albuquerque, New Mexico
Photographer:© Patrick Coulie
Tiles:Rockfon® Mono® Acoustic TE, Rockfon® Planar® and Planar® Plus Linear Ceilings


¹ Broadway World, “Popejoy Hall Unveils Newly Renovated Lobby;” Oct. 2, 2024; https://www.broadwayworld.com/albuquerque/article/Popejoy-Hall-Unveils-Newly-Renovated-Lobby-20241002

² Popejoy Presents, “Popejoy@50;” https://www.popejoypresents.com/about/popejoy50; accessed Dec. 17, 2024

³ The University of New Mexico, “Institutional Support Services,” https://iss.unm.edu/departments/popejoy-hall.html; accessed Dec. 17, 2024

⁴ Hartman + Majewski Design Group, LinkedIn; Oct. 9, 2024; https://www.linkedin.com/posts/hartman-%26-majewski-design-group_unm-popejoyhall-architecture-activity-7249911192779984896-6sNf/

⁵ Popejoy Presents, “University Founded – Community Funded;” https://www.popejoypresents.com/support; accessed Dec. 17, 2024